Customer Testimonials

Taylor Pearson, author and entrepreneur, uses Freedom to focus

What difference does Freedom make for you?

“Freedom is an essential tool in my work. I use it to block myself off distracting sites like Facebook and Twitter in the morning to help me get my most important work done early in the day and to cut myself off in the evening so I have time to shut down and unwind.”

Taylor Pearson, Author and Entrepreneur

Eloisa James, NY Times bestselling author, uses Freedom to focus and avoid multitasking

How does Freedom help you focus?

“I’ve trained myself that when I click that Freedom butterfly, I write. It’s a psychological nudge: “This is what I’m supposed to be doing now.” Not laundry, not worrying about my teenager, no hundreds of emails.”

Eloisa James, NYT Bestselling Author

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John Kovalic, illustrator and author, uses Freedom to be more productive

What challenges does Freedom
help you with?

“My deadlines. Hundreds of illustrations for the game Munchkin, the comic strip Dork Tower, and much more. My first kids’ book was completed directly due to the extra hours Freedom gave me”

John Kovalic, Cartoonist + Illustrator,
Creator of Dork Tower

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Farrah Rochon, bestselling author, uses Freedom to block distractions so she can publish more books

What have you accomplished with Freedom?

“The extra time I’ve ‘found’ because of Freedom has allowed me to increase the number of books I publish annually. I honestly cannot fathom being able to write as much as I do without the help of Freedom. Also, because Freedom helps me to reach my daily word count goal more quickly, I’m able to spend time enjoying my newest hobby: crochet!”

Farrah Rochon, Bestselling author

Neen James, attention expert, uses Freedom on all of her devices to write without distraction

What difference does Freedom
make for you?

“Freedom saves my life. It's on ALL my devices. I could never have written my latest book (ironically on the topic of attention) without this life-saving app.”

Neen James, Attention Expert,
Author of “Attention Pays”

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Amber Jane Davis, PhD coach and political scientist, used Freedom to finish her PhD

How did Freedom help with your PhD?

“I had to finish my PhD in difficult circumstances: a health condition gave me only a few hours a day of mental energy. Freedom was instrumental in carving out space, and helping me get on with my project.”

Amber Jane Davis, Political Scientist + PhD Coach

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Jessie Kwak, author and copywriter, uses Freedom to block email in the mornings.

What do you block with Freedom?

“I use Freedom to automatically block social media for most of the workday, and block my email before 9 am. If I rely on my own willpower to stay away from internet distractions I’m hopeless.”

Jessie Kwak, Author + Freelance Copywriter

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J.T. Ellison, NYT Bestselling author, uses Freedom to do more writing

What has Freedom helped
you accomplish?

“Words. So. Many. Words. Nearly 2 million of fiction as of this writing, and probably twice that in non-fiction. Wow. I’ve written 14 novels and countless short stories with Freedom on.”

J.T. Ellison, NYT Bestselling Author

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Maura Chanz, artist and entrepreneur, uses Freedom to discipline herself by blocking online distractions

What difference does Freedom make for you?

“They say the secret to happiness is freedom...I have found the secret to freedom is to be disciplined. The Freedom app disciplines me when I don't have the human strength to do so, allowing me the freedom to focus on what really matters when my work is done.”

Maura Chanz, Actress, Artist, Entrepreneur,
Founder of Tribe

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